Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Me, THe CATs AND MY PHoNe...

Hurry up I told myself. It's nearly 10am. "The number you have dialed is not in service" said the operator. So I called up the house instead. Ring...ring...ring...ring..."Hallo" as Neneq's sweet voice was heard on the other end. And so I told her that I'd be there in 10 minutes. Dashed straight to the kitchen to put yesterday's dinner plate into the sink amongst the other stuff that I've chucked in there. Wash it later...I'm late, I'm late. The cats are meowing....trash had to be taken out. "Omegodd, cool it, you all don't get to have your wet food till 12 noon" I said to them.
There I go locking up the house, got into the lift and pressed "0". Scrambling thru my handbag and I realised I've done it again! My PHONE!!! Straight up I shoot again, into the house I went. Godammit, where the fuck did I leave my phone???? In the study? No!..In the bedroom? No!...Maybe I left it in the living room. Nope, not there either!..... Ah, I used the iron just now I'm sure it's there. Nope!......Damn it, it was in the kitchen!!!!

23rd June 2004
01:20 pm