The spuNky cheeky moNky
spuNkymoNky onCanvas
Originally uploaded by sherIZAN.
MyMistaMan just called from Jakarta a few minutes ago.....and the first question he asked was "Watcha doin' BabyBu?" I love it when he calls me that ...sigh.....
So I told him that I just jumped onto bed with a bowl of cereal and watching TV.
And the next thing he said was "I'm so thankful that we're together"...Awww man....I melted like a hot chocolate fudge poured onto a brownie...
What crossed my mind after I hung up the phone was...
"I MUST have paid up all my due in my past life......cause now the SUN is shinning BRIGHT, the MOON is ever so NEAR & I swear PIGs are flying in the SKY....."
I could not have asked for a better relationship as the one I have with you