Thursday, December 16, 2004

Life Is Precious

Money makes the world go round. Yea, so does everything else. So what is it about having more money that makes the world go round? We are ruled by “paper”. A piece of printed colored paper with significant monuments, animals and dead presidents.

Luxury I suppose is what it brings. A luxury which has become a necessity these days. The luxury of education, medicine, research and development, war, technology, fame….. and the list goes on.

Status is ruled by the thickness of the wallet or for some the amount of zeros in the bank account. As P. Diddy once said “The more money you come across, the more problems you see”.

There are many equations that can be derived from it…
$ = Fame / Popularity
$ = Status
$ = Problems
$ = Happiness
… and so on so forth …

We wake up in the morning “just to make money” in order to survive. And we can’t even recycle money. Want more money? Chop more trees. However we are looking into printing money in a more ecological friendly way, for some countries that is.

I do wonder if ever there will be a time in the distant future that we don’t even use “paper money” as means of transaction. But just by the “points” you have in the bank. Transactions are made with metal plates or plastic cards or even seashells. Hahahahaaa…. The reason to wake up in the morning is just to score more “brownie points”. Now, wouldn’t that be a blast.

22nd August 2004

::from my lil' handwritten note book::