Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Shampoo or Toilet Duck....?

Did some grocery shopping the other day with a friend of mine.

It's funny when you pick up an item and ask yourself if you really need to get it right now or can you do without it till your next trip to the shop. That's what happen to me.

Had a list of items on my mind that I needed to get.....: shampoo, tooth paste, cat food...

But when you finally get to the shop and you pass each isle, you'll see other things that are not on your list. And you stop to pick the item up, look at it, turn it around like as if you're actually reading what's written on it but in actual fact you're doing some rough calculation in your head. And when you realized that "oh, budget lari" or "nope, the one I have at the moment will last for another 2 more weeks". You'll put it back on the shelf and walk on.

It's especially fun when you have a friend with you, at least she'll be able to help you to decide if you need the toilet duck more than the shampoo.........

Thanks for the ride Marilyn.